There are few places in this world where someone isn't trying to change you. When I first took golf lessons from Mike LaBauve I thought I was going to master the game of golf and much progress has been made working within the skill sets that I already possessed. What I didn’t realize then is that Mike's approach to golf also applies to "the game of life" — it introduces us to ourselves, teaches us positivity, shows us how to overcome obstacles. I chose an instructor who does not remake golf swings. Mike used an athletic approach to harnessing the skills I already possessed, naturally and without too many conflicting thoughts. We golfers spend a lot of time checking out new equipment and shopping for new age golf balls that give the illusion of going further. The best decision I made before ever pulling a club from my bag was to commit to a path to progress just being myself until the steady hand of an outstanding golf professional, Mike LaBauve. Jerry Del CollianoScottsdale, AZ
There are few places in this world where someone isn't trying to change you. When I first took golf lessons from Mike LaBauve I thought I was going to master the game of golf and much progress has been made working within the skill sets that I already possessed. What I didn’t realize then is that Mike's approach to golf also applies to "the game of life" — it introduces us to ourselves, teaches us positivity, shows us how to overcome obstacles. I chose an instructor who does not remake golf swings. Mike used an athletic approach to harnessing the skills I already possessed, naturally and without too many conflicting thoughts. We golfers spend a lot of time checking out new equipment and shopping for new age golf balls that give the illusion of going further. The best decision I made before ever pulling a club from my bag was to commit to a path to progress just being myself until the steady hand of an outstanding golf professional, Mike LaBauve.
Upon arriving in the valley a few years ago I finally had the opportunity to work on my golf game. I had played over the years but never really "played". After asking around for teaching recommendations one name was consistently mentioned, Sandy LaBauve. Meeting and working with Sandy has changed my game...not just the way I swing...but every aspect of golf...from the long swing to my putter....and how I think through the shot. Sandy makes it easy to understand and I always feel that Sandy is making it work for me, teaching elements of the game that are important for my level of golf and pushing me to improve. I have been fortunate to win several tournaments including two Club Championships under Sandy's guidance. I have taken five strokes off my handicap with aspirations of reaching single digit status. I feel very lucky to have found such an incredible teaching pro. Sandy changed my golfing life. There has never been a time that I left a session with Sandy without thinking to myself...I loved that lesson! AnneScottsdale, AZ
Upon arriving in the valley a few years ago I finally had the opportunity to work on my golf game. I had played over the years but never really "played". After asking around for teaching recommendations one name was consistently mentioned, Sandy LaBauve. Meeting and working with Sandy has changed my game...not just the way I swing...but every aspect of golf...from the long swing to my putter....and how I think through the shot. Sandy makes it easy to understand and I always feel that Sandy is making it work for me, teaching elements of the game that are important for my level of golf and pushing me to improve. I have been fortunate to win several tournaments including two Club Championships under Sandy's guidance. I have taken five strokes off my handicap with aspirations of reaching single digit status. I feel very lucky to have found such an incredible teaching pro. Sandy changed my golfing life. There has never been a time that I left a session with Sandy without thinking to myself...I loved that lesson!
I have been working with Sandy LaBauve on my golf game for many years. She has the unique ability to recognize what my personal strengths and weaknesses are in my game. Sandy’s excellent communications skills give me the ability to make the adjustments I need without changing my swing. Her positive and upbeat personality is an asset that is hard to find. While there are so many areas of my game that I always feel I need to improve, Sandy breaks it down so that I never feel overwhelmed. Cheryl Del CollianoScottsdale, AZ
I have been working with Sandy LaBauve on my golf game for many years. She has the unique ability to recognize what my personal strengths and weaknesses are in my game. Sandy’s excellent communications skills give me the ability to make the adjustments I need without changing my swing. Her positive and upbeat personality is an asset that is hard to find. While there are so many areas of my game that I always feel I need to improve, Sandy breaks it down so that I never feel overwhelmed.
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